梅毒急増時代における梅毒治療の実際~男子症候性活動性梅毒90例の検討Practical treatment of syphilis in the era of rapid increase in syphilis incidence: a study of 90 cases of symptomatic active syphilis in men
みうら泌尿器科クリニックMiura Urology Clinic
みうら泌尿器科クリニックMiura Urology Clinic
男子症候性活動性梅毒と診断した90例の治療の経験を報告し、今後の梅毒診療の課題につき考察した。感染契機から4週間以内に受診した症例が6割を占め、2週間以内に受診した症例も2割にのぼった。初診時のTPLA、RPRは1期梅毒81例において、TPLA(+) RPR(+):45例(56%)、TPLA(−) RPR(+):14例(17%)、TPLA(+) RPR(−):10例(12%)、TPLA(−) RPR(−):12例(15%)であった。治療はアモキシシリン経口投与にて行い、有害事象による投与中止はなく無効例も認めなかった。梅毒は2021年以降急増しており、SNSの普及により特に症状発現後早期に医療機関を受診する患者が増加している。一方、感染早期ではTPLAやRPRが陰性になることが多く、診断には十分な問診や病変の視診がより重要となるため、梅毒は早期であればあるほど医療者の技量が問われる疾患であると考えられた。
We report our experience in treating 90 patients diagnosed with male symptomatic active syphilis and discuss future issues in syphilis treatment. In total, 60% of patients visited the clinic within 4 weeks of infection, and 20% visited within 2 weeks of infection. During the first visit, among 81 patients with primary syphilis, there were 45 (56%) patients with TPLA(+) RPR(+), 14 (17%) patients with TPLA(−) RPR(+), 10 (12%) patients with TPLA(+) RPR(−), and 12 (15%) patients with TPLA(−) RPR(−). Treatment consisted of oral amoxicillin, and there were no cases of discontinuation due to adverse events and no invalid cases. The incidence of syphilis has been rapidly increasing since 2021, and the prevalence of social networks has resulted in an increase in the number of patients visiting medical institutions, especially in the early stages after the onset of symptoms. Conversely, because TPLA and RPR are often negative in the early stages of infection, detailed interviews and visual examination of the lesions are more important for diagnosis. Moreover, syphilis is a disease that requires the skill of medical personnel the earlier it occurs.
Key words: syphilis; symptomatic syphilis
© 2025 一般社団法人日本性感染症学会© 2025 Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections
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