東京都における梅毒への対策—梅毒の流行にどのように対応していくか—Responding to a re-emerging epidemic of syphilis in Tokyo
東京都福祉保健局健康安全部感染症対策課Infectious Disease Control Section, Health and Safety Division, Bureau of Social Welfare and Public health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
東京都福祉保健局健康安全部感染症対策課Infectious Disease Control Section, Health and Safety Division, Bureau of Social Welfare and Public health, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
In response to the increase in syphilis cases in Tokyo, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) has strengthened syphilis surveillance and started emergency control measures for syphilis since 2018. According to the analysis of additional information on syphilis cases, there were few foreign nationals, and their home address was mainly Tokyo. The history of HIV infection in male homosexual contacts, access to sexual services in male heterosexual contacts, and provision of sexual services by females for heterosexual contacts were dominant. Homosexual contacts in men had a history of HIV infection incidences, which were 33 times more than no homosexual contacts in men. Likewise, heterosexual contacts in men had access to sexual services by eight-fold compared with no heterosexual contacts in men. Since April 2018, the TMG has expanded their testing services. The public awareness of syphilis was strengthened through a comprehensive website concerning sexually transmitted infections, i.e., the “Tokyo Metropolitan Sexually Transmitted Infection Navigation”, which was launched in November 2018. In the latter half of fiscal 2018, six training sessions for doctors were held in various locations in Tokyo to improve their diagnostic ability. The TMG will concentrate on these measures until fiscal 2020. Carefully monitoring the trend of syphilis cases, performing effective interventions focused on the risk group, and making efforts to control the outbreak are necessary.
Key words: syphilis; surveillance; public awareness; control; public health
© 2019 一般社団法人日本性感染症学会© 2019 Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections
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