日本性感染症学会誌 Journal of Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Online ISSN: 2434-2505 Print ISSN: 0917-0324
日本性感染症学会 Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections
〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Japanese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections 30(1): 95-100 (2019)


女性の梅毒患者の早期診断におけるPCR検査の有用性についての検討The utility of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for early diagnosis of syphilis in female patients

新宿レディースクリニックShinjuku Ladies Clinic

受付日:2019年3月14日Received: March 14, 2019
受理日:2019年8月13日Accepted: August 13, 2019
発行日:2019年10月29日Published: October 29, 2019


A retrospective examination of 41 female patients diagnosed with primary and secondary syphilis using serological tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed. Of the total, 25 patients had positive results in both serological and PCR tests, whereas 6 were positive only in serological tests, indicating a false-negative result obtained by PCR. The remaining patients had a positive result only in PCR and were suspected to have been tested during the serological latency period soon after Treponema pallidum infection. False-negative diagnoses can be minimized by standardizing the sample collection method for PCR and by becoming familiar with the methods used. In general, female patients notice genital lesions less often than male patients. A total of nine cases diagnosed during serological latency period had lesions with spontaneous pain. These symptoms brought the patients to the clinic. We conclude that combining PCR with serological tests is useful in diagnosing female primary syphilis and contributes to the prevention of syphilis transmission.

Key words: female syphilis; PCR; early diagnosis

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