第1期梅毒における自動化法による梅毒抗体検査の治療前後の推移と診断的意義の検討Transition and diagnostic significance of an automated antibody test for early diagnosis of syphilis
新宿さくらクリニックShinjuku Sakura Medical Clinic
新宿さくらクリニックShinjuku Sakura Medical Clinic
第1期梅毒患者における治療前後RPRとTPLA検査の推移を検討した。臨床症状と梅毒トレポネーマPCR検査で診断した第1期梅毒患者のうち、治療前にRPRかTPLA一方のみ陽性が16%で、初期診断にはRPRとTPLAの両方の検査が必要だった。治療前に両者がともに陰性の症例が23%存在し、PCR検査も併せて実施することが望ましい。自動化法によるRPRは従来の2倍系列希釈法と同様に治癒の指標となることが確認できた。治療前にTPLAが200 T.U.以下であった症例では治療後半年めまで上昇し、12ヶ月めには横ばいかまたは減少する傾向がみられた。これに対して治療前TPLA値が300 T.U.以上だった症例では治療後2ヶ月めまでに減少がみられた。再感染時にはRPRよりもTPLAが顕著に上昇した。これらの結果からRPRとTPLAを、治療前後を通じて継続的に測定することは梅毒の病態把握に寄与すると思われた。
We examined the transition between the pre- and post-treatment results of a syphilis antibody test in patients with primary-stage syphilis. In this study, we characterized the automated rapid plasma regain (RPR) and Treponema pallidum latex agglutination (TPLA) tests. Of the 44 patients diagnosed with primary-stage syphilis using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), only 16% were tested positive in the RPR or TPLA tests before treatment. This indicates that the initial diagnosis requires both RPR and TPLA tests. Moreover, 23% of the patients were tested negative in both RPR and TPLA tests before treatment, which supports the concomitant use of PCR whenever possible. After treatment, results from the automated RPR test rapidly decreased, which indicates their usefulness as a remission indicator, similar to the 2-fold serial dilution method. Patients with negative pre-treatment TPLA results and those with <200 T.U. exhibited post-treatment increase of results for up to 6 months. On the other hand, patients with a pre-treatment TPLA value ≥300 T.U. exhibited a decrease in results at 2 months post-treatment. Upon reinfection, TPLA results increased markedly compared with RPR results. Our findings suggest that the concomitant use of RPR and TPLA tests pre- and post-treatment contributes to determine the pathological status of syphilis patients.
Key words: Syphilis automated antibody test; Early syphilis diagnosis; Treponema pallidum latex agglutination automated test (TPLA); rapid plasma regain (RPR)
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