日本性感染症学会誌 Journal of Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Online ISSN: 2434-2505 Print ISSN: 0917-0324
日本性感染症学会 Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections
〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Japanese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections 35(2): 21-24 (2024)


意欲低下を契機に神経梅毒の診断を得た一例Decreased motivation leading to the diagnosis of neurosyphilis: A case report

1公立豊岡病院泌尿器科Toyooka Hospital Department of Urology

2公立豊岡病院脳神経内科Toyooka Hospital Department of Neurology

受付日:2024年2月8日Received: February 8, 2024
受理日:2024年7月11日Accepted: July 11, 2024
発行日:2024年10月15日Published: October 15, 2024

A 42-year-old male patient visited our hospital with complaints of decreased motivation and weakness. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed abnormalities in the right frontal lobe. Based on brain MRI findings, neurosyphilis and herpes encephalitis were suspected. Blood and spinal fluid analysis showed elevated TPLA and RPR levels, leading to the diagnosis of neurosyphilis. There was no evidence of syphilis infection in the penis or skin. Serum TPLA and RPR levels decreased after treatment with penicillin G and amoxicillin. Non-symptomatic progressive neurosyphilis is rare and may become irreversible by the time it is diagnosed.

Key words: Neurosyphilis; limbic encephalitis

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