北海道の地方都市(苫小牧市)の高校生の性意識、性行動に関する調査と性教育Survey on sexual attitudes and behaviors of high school students in Tomakomai, Japan, and sex education
苫小牧泌尿器科・循環器内科 泌尿器科Department of Urology, Tomakomai Urological Clinic
We surveyed sexual attitudes and behaviors of high school students in Tomakomai city, Hokkaido, Japan, and its suburbs in August 2017. A total of 678 3rd-year high school students (272 boys and 406 girls) answered 10 questionnaires selected from 27 questionnaires prepared by Tanomura School Education Group in Tokyo, Japan. The survey data in 2017 was compared with data collected in 2000. In 2017, the rates of experience of sexual intercourse were 44% for boys and 28% for girls, decreasing by >10% compared with the rates in 2000. The rate of use of a condom for contraception at the time of first sexual intercourse was approximately 70% for boy and girl students, while the rate of the second or subsequent times was approximately 50%. The 2017 data revealed that the internet and cellular phones were widely used and were sources of sexual knowledge among the high school students. More than 90% of students knew about HIV infection, while about 65% knew of chlamydial infection. We concluded that education programs targeting teenagers in the understanding of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unhoped-for pregnancy and are one of the most effective methods of preventing STIs and controlling contraception by encouraging the appropriate use of condoms.
Key words: sexual health; high school students; sex education; STI; contraception
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