1期梅毒診断におけるTP抗体迅速検査キットの有用性The clinical utility of the treponemal rapid test for the diagnosis of primary syphilis
1 あおぞらクリニック新橋院Aozora Clinic Shimbashi
2 あおぞらクリニック新宿院Aozora Clinic Shinjuku
3 あおぞらクリニック看護部Nursing Department, Aozora Clinic
1 あおぞらクリニック新橋院Aozora Clinic Shimbashi
2 あおぞらクリニック新宿院Aozora Clinic Shinjuku
3 あおぞらクリニック看護部Nursing Department, Aozora Clinic
Serologic tests are very important in diagnosing syphilis; however, their results are sometimes negative in primary syphilis. We used the treponemal (TP)-antibody rapid test along with automated Treponema pallidum latex agglutination (TPLA) and rapid plasma reagin (RPR) assays; in some cases, only the rapid test was positive. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the accuracy of these serologic tests. From January 2015 to December 2017, 258 cases of primary syphilis were diagnosed. The sensitivity of rapid test, TPLA, and RPR were 99.6%, 79.1%, and 81.8%, respectively. In addition to high sensitivity, the rapid test has the advantages of simplicity and speed; therefore, it is very useful in the diagnosis of syphilis.
Key words: syphilis; rapid test; sensitivity; immunochromatography; treponemal test
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