日本性感染症学会誌 Journal of Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections

Online ISSN: 2434-2505 Print ISSN: 0917-0324
日本性感染症学会 Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections
〒162-0801東京都新宿区山吹町358-5アカデミーセンター Japanese Society for Sexually Transmitted Infections Academy Center, 358-5 Yamabuki-cho, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 162-0801, Japan
Japanese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections 29(1): 103-107 (2018)


父親から子供への水平感染が疑われた尖圭コンジローマの親子例Possible horizontal transmission of condyloma acuminatum from a father to his son: A case report

東京逓信病院皮膚科Division of Dermatology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital

受付日:2017年6月14日Received: June 14, 2017
受理日:2018年2月5日Accepted: February 5, 2018
発行日:2018年9月30日Published: September 30, 2018

We report a case of horizontal transmission of genital condyloma acuminatum (CA) from a 40-year-old father to his three-year-old son. In children, CA is rare and depends on factors such as living conditions, transmission mode, and treatment. In the present case, the father contracted the disease through sexual transmission from a sex worker, and both vertical transmission and sexual abuse were ruled out. Both the father and the son presented with black papules on their penis glans and perianal region. Since the father routinely bathed the son by placing him on his knees, it was presumed that the son contracted the disease via contact with the father’s lesions. In both the patients, lesion biopsies were positive for CA using in situ hybridization with human papillomavirus DNA types 6/11. It was therefore concluded that the disease was horizontally transmitted from the father to his son.

Key words: condyloma acuminatum; human papillomavirus; horizontal infection

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